by Josue Briseno | Jan 26, 2021 | General
I have the honor and privilege to be part of the leadership team, for the Hacking HR Seattle chapter. In partnership with Santana Grayson and Brian Buck, we host amazing events bringing VIP keynote speakers to talk about the best HR practices.
by Josue Briseno | Jan 26, 2021 | General
Con gran honor participé en la vigésima primera jornada para conmemorar el día mundial de la Salud Mental, en presencia de grandes ponentes de Perú, Brasil, Paraguay, Argentina, Colombia y México. HRCitizen y SOMEGRAF con su CEO Roberto Espinosa conmemorando el dia...
by Josue Briseno | Jan 26, 2021 | General
Fue un placer participar como ponente, en la primer jornada internacional de SOMEGRAF conmemorando el día del Psicólogo en México.
by Josue Briseno | Jan 26, 2021 | General
Successful strategic alliance with SOMEGRAF, to upscale HR and Graphology. Together we have created GraphoCitizen, which will bring VIP keynote speakers across the world to talk about trending and leading topics.
by Josue Briseno | Jan 26, 2021 | General
Para nosso primeiro evento em Brasil, eu tive na oportunidade de trazer os palestrantes Gabriela Giacomin Especialista em Direito do Trabalho e Patricia Souza Especialista em Diversidade e Inclusão, moderado por Monica Mayol para falar sobre os aspectos humanos e...
by Josue Briseno | Jan 26, 2021 | General
I am honored to be part of the leadership team for the Hacking HR Sao Paulo chapter, I am the coordination lead and provide best practices for online events in partnership with Enrique Rubio, CEO of Hacking HR.